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DOCOpalette beta now available

A bridge between Rhino and Photoshop to create stunning colour drawings.

Colour the smart way 

DOCOpalette is a powerful bridge between Rhino & Photoshop developed in a practice environment to enable streamlined production of high quality graphic plans and drawings through photoshop and back to Rhino for printing. Overlays vector quality line work on high resolution Jpg bitmap with PDF export function. Suitable for small to large scale design practices & students alike. Photoshop templates are fully customisable 

Template builder

Build your own photoshop templates from selected sheets. Multiple templates can operate in the one drawing file.

Queue function

Ensures the user has the ability to continue working in Rhino while photoshop is updating. Queued jobs will automatic update when ready.

Batch updates

Batch update an entire drawing package. Simply push "Process All" and go for lunch, return to fully updated colour drawings


If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, check our Support channel.

Yes. DOCOpalette sends commands to Photoshop to do all the image processing therefore you must have a fully functioning installation of Adobe Photoshop on the same machine as your installation of Rhino.

Yes. This is a core design feature and why Adobe Photoshop was chosen as the raster engine rather than a baked in image processor. You can edit templates as you wish and link to multiple different templates in the same project. This allows for maximum creativity while maintaining repeatability across

DOCOpalette sets up an automation pathway workflow between Rhino Layouts and Photoshop. Hatches on Rhino layers are automatically mapped to linked smart layers and composited in Photoshop. The raster image output from Photoshop is automatically updated in Rhino

A mac version is not currently in development however if there is sufficient demand, we will work towards a mac version.

Key limitations to consider: 

Currently only hatches are exported to Photoshop layers. We are working on exporting select linework and picture frame objects, but this has not yet been implemented.

Changing the name of the Layout will break the link to Photoshop requiring a fresh export.

Photoshop updates are not instantaneous and time to process varies each layout varies based on the number of layers exported. Available memory and hardware specification of the PC also affects how fast the system runs.